Evaluating our progress & solo task
Evaluating our progress
On the first day back we had a double lesson. We spent half the lesson talking about solo pieces and evaluating what the task actually was. We realised that most of the task revolved around the written report and, in fact, not the performance. We also went through the mark scheme thoroughly so we had a better understanding of how to get a good grade.
In the second half of the lesson we were asked to use the space to create a freeze frame, using each other on how we feel about drama now in comparison to the start of the year.
In my freeze frame I wanted to show my gaining of confidence over the last year. Here Chloe is my fear and anxiousness pulling me back and preventing me from performing. However I am turned away from her and she is turned away from me showing that this part of me is slowly disappearing. Emma is hugging me, this is showing how I feel more confident and connected to my ensemble, it is almost as though she is pulling me away from my anxiousness and fear (how they have helped me gain confidence and feel involved). Harry is a spectator, showing that this whole scene is onstage, again reinforcing the idea that I now have more confidence to perform in front of people.
I was then given 10 seconds to improve my piece.
The only thing I decided to change was Chloe holding me back. I decided to have her not holding on any more as I feel it better shows the idea that I am letting that part of me go. However she is still a big part of the freeze-frame as just being onstage shows that I have not completely let it go.
After everyone else had finished their freeze-frames, we were then told to collaboratively create a freeze-frame to show our ensemble.
In our first attempt we took the idea of support which we all agreed was an important part of our ensemble. The idea was that we were each leaning on each other for support, and without the other person we would fall. Eye contact between Emma and me was also important as it was used to show communication and the importance of this within a group. Chloe and Harry look at the camera happily to show how comfortable we are as a group.
Continuing with the idea of support we created another freeze-frame, however this time we also wanted to incorporate the idea of helping those who need help. Working as a team means helping people who are struggling this is shown through our use of levels. The circle also shows trust and communication through eye contact.
As a group we were then asked to come up with another freeze-frame showing a bad ensemble.
In this freeze-frame we decided to focus on the word chaos, we decided to use the idea of control and someone having too much and thinking they can control others. This involves lack of communication and support.
Our last task was to create a freeze-frame showing what we would like to achieve at the end of the course.
This freeze-frame shows confidence and being able to fully perform in front of an audience. Emma and Harry represent the ensemble, and the idea of happiness and friendship.
Solo Task
After presenting my solo piece I felt I was both successful and at times unsuccessful in conveying my message. I am happy with the overall performance however being that we had very little time to practice in the actual performance space and receive pier help I feel some parts were lacking. If I were to do my performance again I would change several things.
On the first day back we had a double lesson. We spent half the lesson talking about solo pieces and evaluating what the task actually was. We realised that most of the task revolved around the written report and, in fact, not the performance. We also went through the mark scheme thoroughly so we had a better understanding of how to get a good grade.
In the second half of the lesson we were asked to use the space to create a freeze frame, using each other on how we feel about drama now in comparison to the start of the year.
In my freeze frame I wanted to show my gaining of confidence over the last year. Here Chloe is my fear and anxiousness pulling me back and preventing me from performing. However I am turned away from her and she is turned away from me showing that this part of me is slowly disappearing. Emma is hugging me, this is showing how I feel more confident and connected to my ensemble, it is almost as though she is pulling me away from my anxiousness and fear (how they have helped me gain confidence and feel involved). Harry is a spectator, showing that this whole scene is onstage, again reinforcing the idea that I now have more confidence to perform in front of people.
I was then given 10 seconds to improve my piece.
The only thing I decided to change was Chloe holding me back. I decided to have her not holding on any more as I feel it better shows the idea that I am letting that part of me go. However she is still a big part of the freeze-frame as just being onstage shows that I have not completely let it go.
After everyone else had finished their freeze-frames, we were then told to collaboratively create a freeze-frame to show our ensemble.
In our first attempt we took the idea of support which we all agreed was an important part of our ensemble. The idea was that we were each leaning on each other for support, and without the other person we would fall. Eye contact between Emma and me was also important as it was used to show communication and the importance of this within a group. Chloe and Harry look at the camera happily to show how comfortable we are as a group.
As a group we were then asked to come up with another freeze-frame showing a bad ensemble.
Our last task was to create a freeze-frame showing what we would like to achieve at the end of the course.
This freeze-frame shows confidence and being able to fully perform in front of an audience. Emma and Harry represent the ensemble, and the idea of happiness and friendship.
Solo Task
After presenting my solo piece I felt I was both successful and at times unsuccessful in conveying my message. I am happy with the overall performance however being that we had very little time to practice in the actual performance space and receive pier help I feel some parts were lacking. If I were to do my performance again I would change several things.
- Lighting
- Audience number and placing of seating
- Getting the audience to decide of defendants innocence
(more details in my actual report)
The solo work is Worth a huge amount of marks and yet has a very small section of reflection dedicated to it. can you develop this properly? Thanks.