Eye contact


Today we started the lesson with an activity based on eye contact. It was fairly straightforward, all you had to do was look at someone else straight in the eyes with your face and body in neutral. However we found this quite hard as we felt awkward, threatened, vulnerable, etc. 
This activity shows how actors feel more confident on stage when they are moving about doing something and they feel less comfortable when they have to stand still. As an actor we feel powerful when moving about and less powerful when not doing anything.

We developed the idea of the importance of eye contact with a game where two people had to keep eye contact at all times and another person would have to break the eye contact. At the start we didn't show perseverance with a tactic and we would hesitate to try our best to achieve our mission however by the end of the activity we were very physical and were determined to achieve our objective in the game. This taught us how we have to put our all into drama.

We then went on to develop out Artaud based piece. This time we were working on Emmas nightmare. We decided to split into pairs and create a piece based on what we learnt from Frantic Assembly on the TAPS trip to London. We used lifts, rolls and jumps. This piece is very different from the other nightmare based pieces we created as this one is very physical theatre, however we do incorporate aspects of immersive theatre in by breaking the 4th wall and creating strong eye contact with members of the audience to make them feel uncomfortable and vulnerable.


Today we decided to have a very reflective lesson on all the work we did so far. We each had to privately make a pie chart which contained who had contributed the most/least in the group. I felt very mean while doing this as when you're growing up you're told not to undermine peoples abilities and what they do. I also felt very awkward in case someone looked over and saw what I'd given them. 
We then decided that we should all have equal roles in the group. We decided to split roles to help develop our piece.

  • Me; Puppets, Masks and Props
  • Emma; Sound
  • Harry; Projections
  • Meera; Costume 
By doing this it will also allow us to practice for our directors notebook that we will have to create in Year 2. 
I now have the task of exploring how Artaud uses masks, props and puppetry. 

the photos above are what we initially brainstormed but can help people achieve their different roles.


Today we helped teach a year 10 class about lifts we learnt from Frantic Assembly.

I found this quite challenging as some people would understand the lifts better than others and trying to teach lifts that could end in injury (example; me and harry) was risky.
However it was a fun experience teaching the year 10s and they seemed to enjoy it.

In class we spoke more about how we could develop out pieces.
I contributed;

  • We could put paper over the windows to create blackout then give each audience member a torch. When it was the train scene we would have the lights on and when it was the nightmare scene the lights would turn off and the audience would have to put on their torches.
  • We could each wear a mask in the first nightmare (meeras nightmare). The mask should be long and cover our mouths so our speech sounds muffled. I have asked some students from art to help me create these masks and we are currently in the process.
We then went on to work on the final nightmare (my nightmare). We decided that we should have a blue sheet in the middle representing a pool and we should sit the audience members around the pool.
  • I contributed that we should sit next to the audience members and speak directly to them. 
  • I also contributed that we could have puppets on a trolley with distorted faces and later on in the nightmare we surround the audience members with these trolleys.
We are then going to apply suncream and sunglasses/hats on them. 
Next lesson we are going to develop the nightmare further.

In the lesson I made a prop list that we need for all 4 nightmares;
  • X4 suncream
  • X4 sunglasses
  • X4 hats
  • Lilo
  • Beach Ball
  • torches X4
  • water pistols X8
  • Masks X4
  • towels
  • flip flops
  • pool sheet
  • puppets
  • sugar paper
  • whistles
If people could look at this list and bring in any of the props they have that would be appreciated:-)

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