The theorist the theory and the context:

Keith johnstone started as the head of the courts script department and played a major role in the development of the ‘writers’ theatre.’
Author of the triumphant court plays Brixham Regetta and Performing giant “as he recounts in his book, he started as a writer who lost the ability to write, and then ran into the same melancholy impasse again when he turned to directing.” His book shows how he overcame this problem.
The court set up a ‘writers’ and group and ‘acting’ studio for Keith Johnstone and William Gaskill. This is where Johnstone first started to teach his own particular style of improvisation. This was usually off fairy-tales, word associations, free associations and intuitive responses, he also taught mask work later on.
“All his work has been to encourage the rediscovery of the imaginative response in the adult; the redefining of a child’s creativity.”
Johnston’s aims: stop unnecessary discussion, transform meetings into acting sessions
“The unconscious uncovers the goods.”
Johnstone’s theatre machine company
Irving Wardle on Johnstone – Impro; Improvisation and the theatre. 

“At a time when I seemed to have lost all my talents as a creative artist I was driven to investigate my mental images.” He started to look at the images in sleep. They did not appear in sequence and seemed to arrive in spontaneity.
“I begin reversing every statement to see if the opposite was true.”
He became a teacher in a working class area in battersea, this was a place most people avoided.
Four things Johnstone focused on:
1. Status –
2. Spontaneity –
Blocking and accepting:
Bad improvisers block action, whereas good improviser accept this and use less speech.
Two places:
Two characters explore two different spaces on the same stage.
Two people give invisible presents to each other. The person receiving a present has to act out their reaction and response to this gift. The other person then does the same thing. Neither person knows what the gift is. The aim of the game is to make the gift as interesting as possible. They need to also think of the size of the present they are receiving/being given.
It’s Tuesday:
One person says a day and the other has to respond to this. Eg. “It’s Tuesday”
“Oh my god, it’s my wedding day!”
3. Narrative skills –
Listing words. This is to show that you can do this rationally eg, Dog, cat, mouse, trap… or without association eg, cat, bus, beach, hair…
Automatic Writing:

4. Masks and trance –

Theorist and Context:
  • Born 12 December 1921 in Paris France
  •  He is most famous for his methods on physical theatre, movement, and mime that he taught at the school he founded in Paris, L'École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq from 1956 
  • Studied mime through his interest in sport 
  • He was in gymnastics where he learnt about the geometry of movements at the age of 17. He used the parallel and horizontal.    
  • During the war he worked in physio therapy helping soldiers rehabilitate their bodies into moving again- this sparked his interest in movement 
  •  He died January 19 1999

  • Body and movement
  • Lecoq aimed at training his actors in ways that encouraged them to investigate ways of performance that suited them best. His training was aimed at nurturing the creativity of the performer, as opposed to giving them a codified set of skills. As students stayed with Lecoq's school longer, he accomplished this through teaching in the style of "via negativa," never telling the students how to do what was "right." The goal was to encourage the student to keep trying new avenues of creative expression 
  • He trained his actors with neutral masks to put emphasis on the movement 
  • 3 main things about his practice was playfulness, togetherness and openness 
jeongju kim. (2013). Bongsan Talchum Basic Movement . [Online Video]. 24 July. Available from: [Accessed: 22 October 2015].

Sejong Cultural Society. (2012). Bongsan Talchum Basic Movement . [Online Video]. 6 January 2012. Available from: [Accessed: 22 October 2015].

Byungman Son. 2012. Sejong Cultural Society. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed October 2015].

PARIS THEQ. (2010). 봉산탈춤 Vers01. [Online Video]. 06 January. Available from: [Accessed: 22 October 2015].
 김한정. (2015). 중요무형문화제 제17호 봉산탈춤1 김한정 . [Online Video]. 31 May 2015. Available from: [Accessed: 22 October 2015].


Pataka Mudra - Clouds 

Pataka Mudra - River

Pataka Mudra - Cutting

Pataka Mudra - Opening/Closing

Tripataka Mudra - Crown/Signifies Krishna

Tripataka Mudra - Tree

Pataka Mudra - Paper & Tripataka Mudra - Writing

Ardhacandra Mudra - Moon 

Ardhacandra Mudra - Offering to god

Tripataka Mudra - Stroking the hair - Ruby Nayyar (Dance Teacher)

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